To protect himself from the charges of rape, Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh had claimed that he was impotent. Among many pleas that the counsel gave to prove his innocence during his trial, one claimed that the Dera Chief is “impotent” and therefore he is “not medically and physically fit to have sex with anyone”.
Recording his statement before CBI judge Jagdeep Kumar, Singh’s counsel had said that “since 1990, the accused is not medically fit to do sex with anyone”, and that he was not potent.
However, the CBI court refuted all these contentions. In the conviction order, Special CBI judge Jagdeep Singh said, “Any statement of rape is an extremely humiliating experience for a woman and until she is a victim of sex crime she would not blame anyone but the real culprit.”
The judge also rejected Singh’s claim saying it is devoid of any merit in view of a statement made by one of his own witnesses, who said the Dera Sacha Sauda chief had two daughters.
The CBI court on Monday sentenced the self-styled godman to 20 years for rape of two sadhvis in 2002. It all started in 2002 when a woman wrote an anonymous letter to the then prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee claiming that she and other sadhvis were raped by the spiritual guru.
“Any follower, much less the sadhvis, who had been christened by the accused himself, would be the last person in the world to level false allegations against such a person,” the conviction order reads further.
Also Read: Gurmeet Ram Rahim and his ‘miracle stories’: What makes his followers go brainless?
In the statement given in the CBI court, sadhvis told that only female disciples were deployed to guard his underground personal residence which was commonly known as ‘gufa’. Also, rape in the dera was referred to as ‘pitaji’s maafi’, the code word which got cleared inside the “gufa” and raped by self-styled godmen.
(Source: The Indian Express)
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