The newly formed Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in Uttar Pradesh deployed the ‘Anti-Romeo squad’ to put a strict check on the eve teasers freely roaming on the streets of the state. But recently, a cop from this highly active squad was seen harassing a woman at a public place. A sub-inspector in Agra, Ram Naresh Yadav was seen harassing a girl in a video which was shot and put on the social media while the squad was in action on March 29.
In the video, the policemen can clearly be seen shouting at a girl and punishing her by asking to hold her ears. Several lady constables were also present at the spot who asked the other girls to go home rather than roam in the park but SI Yadav penalised the girl in such a way. The video was shot in Agra’s Lohia Park.
According to a Times of India report, the Additional SP Shishyapal Singh has confirmed the information and has also transferred the accused cop to police lines, Agra, initiating an action against him. The police department took action right after the video was surfaced in social media and got viral.
The newly appointed Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath has ordered to form the anti-Romeo squad in the state in order to keep a tab on eve-teasers. Presently, the anti-Romeo squads have been set up in 11 districts and inspector general (IG) of Lucknow is keeping a close watch on them. Later, these squads will also be present in rest of the districts of the state.
CM Adityanath has also asked the Principal Secretary (Home) to give clear instructions to the squads to make sure that there is no unnecessary harassment of boys and girls moving around or sitting at any place with consent.
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