After Uttar Pradesh anti-terror squad arrested five youth for allegedly plotting terror attack in the country, now around 2000 mosques, madrassas near Bijnore (west UP) are under the scrutiny of police and security agencies. Four among those detained were let off however one Mohd Faizan, who is also an Imam at a mosque in Bijnore was arrested by the police.
According to a report in Times of India, Ajay Sahani, Superintendent of police (SP), Bijnor said, “Police and other security agencies will keep a strict vigil over religious institutions across Bijnor and neighbouring areas and also keep track of outsiders in their premises. We will also seek the help of responsible citizens and members of civil society to frequently visit these institutions and places and keep sensitising youngsters in order to prevent them from falling into the radicalisation trap.”
Most of the youth arrested were in the age group of 18 to 25 years and were studying in different madrassas, therefore, security agencies are keeping a close vigil on the mosques and madrassas in and near Bijnore. As per a data acquired from the minority affairs department, out of 500 madrassas, 55 are high school level and 15 are degree level. Also, there are 1,500 mosques which are under the scanner of police
UP ATS and the special cell of Delhi police, crime investigation cell of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra ATS, Punjab and Bihar police carried out a joint operation which busted a self-radicalised terror module. Parents of those arrested were called to Noida and after strict warning, they were released.
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