Vijay Mallya is on the run from India after having defaulted loans worth over Rs 9,000 crore. But is he missing India? “There is nothing to miss,” said the flamboyant businessman at the British Grand Prix. “All my immediate family is either in England or the US. Nobody in India at all. As far as my step-siblings are concerned, they are all UK citizens. So there’s nothing family-wise to miss.”
Mallya said that he has been in Britain since 1992 and considers it a second home. “This witch hunt against me has been going on for a while. So it isn’t as if I have any emotional ups and downs. I have done absolutely nothing wrong. In fact, I am glad that it is finally before a UK court and an impartial court. So we wait and see how it plays out,” he said.
Also Read: Vijay Mallya reacts on ‘Chor Chor’ remark during India vs South Africa match [Watch Video]
Instead, he said that he is ‘enjoying the fruits’ of his labour. He also said that he is planning high-flying Force India’s next decade. Mallya is fighting a high-profile Indian extradition request but is still following his keen interest in sports despite his travel restrictions.
The hearing into his extradition case is listed to start on December 4 and until there is a verdict in the case, Mallya will not be able to leave Britain.
Also Read: Renuka Shahane takes a dig at Vijay Mallya, the ‘real kingfisher’ with a ‘punny’ photo series
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