The booth president of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Yuva Morcha was arrested on June 22 after fake currency notes and a colour printer were seized from his house in Thrissur district of Kerala. According to media reports, the district police chief N Vijaya Kumar revealed that the team that was conducting raids as part of Operation Kubera to crackdown down on illegal money lenders found counterfeit notes of Rs 2000, 500, 50, 20 at Yuva Morcha leader Rakesh’s house.
The total worth of the fake notes seized is Rs 1, 37, 590. Rakesh, a prominent BJP leader in the area, has been arrested and charged. He is known to loan money to local people in the area. According to the police, Rakesh’s brother Rajeev is absconding and they are on the look out for him. Rajeev is also a leader of the Yuva Morcha.
Police have seized a colour printer, plain sheets of paper and fake currency notes from his house during the raid. The BJP has suspended both Rakesh and Rajeev from the primary membership of the party. The printing machine that was used by the BJP youth wing leader was set up in a room that was specially-designed on the second floor of his home.
BJP Yuva Morcha’ youth wing setup has been caught & arrested for running a fake currency racket. Modijis “Make in India”
— RAVINDRADASS.R (@Ravindradass) June 23, 2017
According to a report in The Hindu, Rakesh was produced at the Kodungallur Magistrate Court today. The police reportedly revealed that Rakesh bought the colour printer two weeks back and he used the counterfeit currency to buy lottery, provisions and fill petrol. The illiterate fish workers of the coastal belt and lottery vendors were most of their victims.
Also read: Right-wing Swarajya magazine slams BJP, claims demonetisation failed!
Rakesh, had completed computer education and had worked in the Gulf for some time. Though he does not have any job, he used to lead a luxurious life, claimed the report.
Following Rakesh’s arrest, CPI(M) Thrissur district secretary K Radhakrishnan demanded a high level probe into the case. “Investigation should not be restricted into this case alone. It should be checked whether more BJP leaders are involved in fake currency production,” said Radhakrishnan.
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