In the wake of Aam Aadmi Party’s consecutive defeats in recent elections, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal continues to rake up the issue of alleged tampering with EVMs. Speaking with a private news channel, the AAP convener claimed to know 10 ways to rig Electronic Voting Machines owing to his IIT background
“I am an engineer from IIT… I can tell you 10 ways in which EVMs (Electronic Voting Machines) can be tampered,” Kejriwal told NDTV. When asked about the party coming a distant third and even losing depoitin in Rajouri Garden bypolls, Kejriwal said, “This is not a trailer” adding that the party was punished as its sitting MLA Jarnail Singh left the seat to fight againt Akali Dal chief Parkash Singh Badal in Punjab polls.
He also said that the Rajouri Garden poll results will have no impact on upcoming MCD polls.
Kejriwal also insisted that he was well within his right to use public money for hiring best lawyer in Arun Jaitley defamation case. “I am fighting this case as Chief Minister…the government has every right to hire the best lawyer,” he said.
Meanwhile, the party has changed its strategy of directly attacking Prime Minister Narendra and has decided to focus on “positive campaign” as it faces litmus test in the Delhi municipal polls.
A party leader said the AAP will resort to what it did during the 2015 Delhi Assembly polls — a “positive campaign”. “We are adopting the same strategy used by the party before 2015 assembly polls in which we went to people convincing about the positive work done during our 49-day government, senior party leader told PTI.
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