On a day when Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that killing in the name of cow is unacceptable, a meat trader succumbed to his injuries in Ramgarh district near Ranchi. Jharkhand Police said that he was assaulted by at least 10 men who believed that he was carrying “cattle meat” in his van.
The victim, Alimuddin Ansari, is said to be related to have been in a dispute with the men who attacked him. Police have said that this group of men had been extorting money from him over a period of time. On Thursday, the group of men set Ansari’s vehicle on fire after which he was admitted to Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) in Ranchi. However, he succumbed to his injuries on Thursday.
The police said that it is a case of pre-meditated murder, which is being made to look like an incident of lynching. Jharkhand Police ADG (Operations) RK Mullik said that Ansari was earlier chargesheeted in a case of kidnapping and murder of a child for which these people used to extort money from him. “There are indications that the assailants, all of whom are from the majority community, would extort money from those allegedly involved in the trade of prohibited meat. An FIR naming 10 people is being registered. They have been identified and will be arrested,” said Mullik.
However, “heavy security” has been deployed by the police in the area to avoid any untoward incident.
The incident comes on a day when the Prime Minister said that killing people in the name of protecting the cow went against the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi. “What are we doing? Cow protection and cow worship is something that Mahatma Gandhi and Vinobha Bhave spoke about. Both of them have shown us how to do it and that is the route the country has to take for its progress,” Modi said while speaking at a public meeting to mark the centenary of Mahatma Gandhi’s Sabarmati ashram.
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