During this year’s students’ election in Jawaharlal Nehru University, the Left Unity swept the polls, bagging all the top four posts. N Sai Balaji was elected as President and Sarika Chaudhary won the post of Vice President with a winning margin of over 1,000 votes and 1,500 votes respectively. Aejaz Ahmed Rather was elected as the General Secretary while Amutha Jayadeep is the Joint Secretary. With the participation of more than 5,000 students, the voter turnout in the election was 67.8 percent, which is believed to be the highest in the last six years.
The Left Unity includes All India Students’ Association (AISA), Students’ Federation of India (SFI), Democratic Students’ Federation (DSF) and All India Students’ Federation (AISF) who all came together to contest the elections. ABVP, which failed to win even a single seat, stood second in all the four posts.
But this year, the elections were marred by incidents of violence & hooliganism. The two outfits accused each other of indulging in violence and diverting from the real issue. ABVP, which was accused of ballot capturing during the counting, alleged that they had not been informed before the counting began.
JNUSU president N Sai Balaji was allegedly threatened with murder, even inside a police station. The Left front has blamed the administration for being hand-in-glove with the perpetrators. They say that the Vice Chancellor intentionally chose to not respond to the issue. But ABVP, on the other hand, said that it was the ‘Comrade’ teachers who were biased as they never came to inquire about those ABVP activists who were hurt in the clashes.
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