An orthopaedic resident doctor was brutally thrashed at a government hospital in North Maharashtra’s Dhule district. The incident took place on Sunday night when a patient was brought in with a head injury. There are conflicting reports over the reasons behind the assault. While an ANI report said he was thrashed by the relatives of the patient over alleged delay in his treatment, a report by DNA said that the doctor was attacked after he advised them to take the patient to another hospital as there was no neurosurgeon on the duty. As many as 20 people attacked the doctor with rods, among other things.
The footage shows a crowd, which included relatives of patients, beating up the doctor at the Dhule civil hospital.
#WATCH: Patient’s relative beat up a doctor due to alleged delay in treatment at a hospital in Dhule (Maharashtra); 9 arrested. Source: CCTV
— ANI (@ANI_news) March 14, 2017
The doctor has sustained injuries on his abdomen, chest and head. He has also suffered an injury to the orbital bone that is present in the socket of the eye. The doctor, who is now admitted to the ICU, has suffered the loss of vision in one eye, according to a DNA report.
The Maharashtra Association of Resident Doctors (MARD) has decided to register their protest by wearing black ribbons to work on Tuesday and also conduct candlelight vigils.
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