Panic ensued in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra following a warning issued by a member of the union government’s Animal Welfare Board (AWB) that the restaurant owners in the city might be using dog meat to prepare biryani. The Aurangabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) officials have been put on alert over the issue. Meher Matharani, the AWB member met the civic body’s commissioner DM Mungalikar and other senior officials and claimed that several dog heads were found in the city. She even accompanied the AMC’s dog squad to capture stray canines.
According to reports, Matharani claimed that the dog carcasses were found in the city with some of their body parts found missing. Expressing concern, she said that it was a dangerous issue and cited that some restaurants serving biryanis at cheap rates might be using meat from an unknown source. She also advised the Aurangabad Municipal Corporation to control the population of stray dogs in the city.
Also read: Skinned and boiled alive: What really happens at China’s Yulin dog meat festival
In December last year, an MBA student in Hyderabad was arrested for circulating a fake message about a restaurant serving dog meat. The message had gone viral leading to a raid on the Shah Ghouse restaurant and the owner being arrested. The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) even sent the meat samples for testing.
In May this year, the Assam Police seized a vehicle and rescued 75 dogs who were being illegally taken to Nagaland to end up in restaurants across the state, The Indian Express had reported. Several animal rights groups have been pressurising the Nagaland government to declare consumption of dog meat as illegal.
Source: TOI
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