Congress leader Ahmed Patel on Tuesday backed singer Sonu Nigam, saying that azaan is important but not loudspeakers. In a tweet on Tuesday, Patel wrote: “Azaan is an essential ingredient for Namaz. In today’s day of modern technology, loudspeakers aren’t.”
His tweet comes a day after Sonu Nigam was brought in the dock for saying that he was woken up by the Azaan. “God bless everyone. I’m not a Muslim and I have to be woken up by the Azaan in the morning. When will this forced religiousness end in India,” he had tweeted on Monday. The singer has been facing severe criticism for his statement since then.
Azaan is an essential ingredient for Namaz. In today's day of modern technology, loudspeakers aren't
— Ahmed Patel (@ahmedpatel) April 18, 2017
In a series of tweets, Sonu Nigam had described the use of loudspeakers to broadcast sermons and calls to prayers by mosques, temples and gurudwaras as hooliganism. The 43-year-old singer said he didn’t believe that shrines should wake people up with the use of loudspeakers and demanded an end to “forced religiousness”.
God bless everyone. I'm not a Muslim and I have to be woken up by the Azaan in the morning. When will this forced religiousness end in India
— Sonu Nigam (@sonunigam) April 16, 2017
Earlier this year Nigam had found himself in another controversy, ironically involving the use of loudspeakers. In January, the singer had used the aircraft address system of a flight mid-air to sing two of his songs on the request of the passengers.
While everyone on the flight enjoyed the songs, all five cabin crew members on the flight were taken off of flight duty for inquiry.
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