After posting a turnover of Rs 10,561 Crore in the FMCG sector in the last fiscal year, Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali Ayurved will soon be entering in power generation sector. It won’t generating electricity by any regular mean, instead, they will be using bulls for this purpose.
According to the reports, Baba Ramdev and Patanjali co-founder Acharya Balkrishna are working on ‘bull power’ for generating electricity using bulls. The idea was generated after one-and-half years of research and aims to ensure that bulls are not being slaughtered.
A preliminary version has already been designed which involves turbines, has managed to generate a nearly 2.5 kW of electricity.
While speaking about the project to a news daily Acharya Balkrishna said “in ancient times, bulls were used to ferry massive artillery. If their power is put to optimum use with the help of technology, they can be of tremendous use. We need to go back to the basics.”
This electricity generation project aims for a design that can be provided to farmers, who already own bulls for generating power so that the generated power can be stored easily.
The research on bull power is being conducted at Patanjali’s headquarters in Haridwar.
Recently, growing at a rapid pace, Patanjali group has become the third-largest Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) player in the country, surpassing firms like Nestle, Britannia, and Dabur.
Earlier this month, Patanjali had said that it will double its production capacity from Rs 30,000 crore now to Rs 60,000 crore in a year.
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