In a horrendous incident, an Army major has reportedly beaten two stray dogs to death and have allegedly injured two others in the Garhi Cantonment area of Dehradun. The senior army officer identified as Maj Manish Thapa has reportedly proceeded on leave while the security officials are probing the charges.
According to a report in the Times of India, the senior officer used an iron rod to beat the stray dogs. However, the exact reason why he went on to commit the brutal act has not been ascertained as yet. The police started the investigation after a FIR was registered against the army officer by an animal rights activist.
The incident reportedly took place on May 11 when the Major was out for a walk when he witnessed a Lieutenant colonel feed stray dogs. Following which, the army officer went on to thrash the animals. The animal rights activists rushed to the spot and took the injured dogs to the hospital for treatment.
“At around 11 pm, we heard dogs yelping in pain. We rushed outside and saw the officer chasing and beating the dogs with a rod. We tried to stop the attack but by the time we found them, three dogs were dead. The officer then managed to dispose of the dogs. A fourth dog was unconscious while a fifth was injured,” the daily quoted one of the eyewitnesses who did not wish to be named as saying.
The police officials further affirmed that they had not been able to locate the bodies of the dead dogs. However, the officials asserted that they will question the accused once he is back in the city. A number of animals lovers have also urged Army Chief, Gen Bipin Rawat, to take action against Maj Thapa.
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