eSeems like the Indian companies are reeling under empathy-deficit. Nope, we are not saying this. As per the latest 2016 Empathy Global Index, Indian companies are not concerned about showing empathy towards their employers.
Guessing which company topped the list of the least empathetic companies in the world? The Indian state-controlled oil and gas company, Bharat Petroleum is supposed to the least empathetic company in the world which is followed by Sun Pharma and ICICI Bank.
Indian Oil corporation Limited and State Bank of India were placed at the 7th and 11th spot on the list of least-empathetic companies. Interestingly, Reliance Industries achieved the 13th spot on the same list.
Meanwhile, social media giant Facebook has topped the list of the most empathetic companies in the world, followed by Alphabet and Linked In.
What really is surprising is that none of the Indian companies found their mention in the least empathetic companies till last year.

list of most and least empathetic companies in the world
If you’re wondering what exactly constitutes empathy then the latest Harvard Business Law review has even cleared that for you. They say, “Empathy, is about understanding our emotional impact on others and making change as a result, is more important to a successful business than it has ever been, correlating to growth, productivity, and earnings per employee. The Empathy Index seeks to answer the question: Which companies are successfully creating empathetic cultures?”
The index is “based on an analysis of the internal structure, CEO performance, ethics and social media presence of 170 companies on major financial indexes.”
This index claims to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different companies and use them as a basis of comparison in order to try and improve their own efficiency.