Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday dropped its state vice-president and MLC Lal Babu Prasad from the newly constituted party committee after he was beaten by another party lawmaker for ‘sexually harassing’ his wife. Bihar Assembly saw high drama on Wednesday with BJP MLA Niraj Kumar Singh Bablu raining blows on party MLC Prasad for sexually harassing former’s wife Nutan Singh who is a legislative council member from LJP. Bablu asked Prasad step aside to ensure that they were in a portion of the complex not under CCTV surveillance before he began to slap Mr Prasad, all the while shouting abuses.
Babloo had reportedly rushed out in rage after his wife complained to him that Prasad had “patted” her on the way to the Legislative Council. BJP state president Nityanand confirmed the incident and said that the party is looking into the matter. “Though we have not received any written complaint, we did hear about it (the incident) and have been discussing it with party seniors. But not keeping Lalbabu in the new committee should not be linked to Wednesday’s incident,” Rai told The Indian Express.
Reacting to Prasad’s exclusion from the party committe, Rai said it was the party’s call on whom to include in the committee — Prasad was the treasurer of the earlier committee.
Deputy Chief Minister Tejaswi Prasad Yadav condemned the incident and demanded registration of a case against Lal Babu Prasad. Taking a dig at the saffron party, JD(U) leader Neeraj Kumar said, “BJP has formed anti-Romeo forces in Uttar Pradesh. It needs to have such a force for its party leaders in Bihar too.”
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