Around 50.12 per cent students of Class X have cleared the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) exam, the result of which was announced on Thursday after much speculation. There has been an improvement in the passing percentage of students this year as compared to last year. In 2016, about 47.15 students have passed the exam.
This time, students who appeared for the class X BSEB exams were given eight grace marks. the step was taken after only 32.25 per cent students in Class XII were able to pass the exams. However, the information on the total number of students who were given grace marks was not provided. “As there had been very strict examination this year and new technique such as bar-coding was introduced to maintain the secrecy of students during evaluation, we decided to use the board’s regulation to provide grace marks to borderline students after an amendment, ” said SEB Chairman Anand Kishor.
As per a report in The Indian Express, “As there had been very strict examination this year and new technique such as bar-coding was introduced to maintain the secrecy of students during evaluation, we decided to use the board’s regulation to provide grace marks to borderline students after an amendment, ” said SEB Chairman Anand Kishor.
Also Read: Bihar Board BSEB Class 10 Result 2017: Result DECLARED! Here is how to check your score
This year, Prem Kumar with 93 per cent marks has emerged as a topper. He is a student of Lakhisarai government school. Bhavya Kumari from Sumultala Awasiya Vidyalaya, Jamui has secured second position (92.8 per cent), whereas, Harshita Kumari is the third topper, she has got 92.4 percent. After the announcement of results, Anand Kishor, “We have physically verified all 10 state toppers and have had their papers rechecked by our team of experts.”
According to reports, there was a delay in announcing the result of BSEB Class X, as some of the toppers could not appear for the physical verification. About 40 students were asked by the board to appear for the physical verification.
BSEB faced criticism for checking process after the results of Class XII were announced. Ganesh Kumar who was declared as the topper was later arrested by the police for forging his date of birth. He claimed to be 24 while he is actually 42-year-old.
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