In a shocking incident, a minor girl was stabbed to death after she resisted rape at Charpokhari block in Bhojpur district of Bihar, around 80 kilometres from state capital Patna. The victim’s cousin, who is a 22-year-old youth, has been detained by the police.
According to a Hindustan Times report, the police claims that the cousin, who came to the house in an inebriated condition, tried to force himself on the minor. After she resisted, he reportedly stabbed her around the neck with scissors. The girl, who bled profusely, succumbed to her injuries.
The victim’s elder sister, also a minor, has lodged an FIR with the local police against ‘unknown’ persons. The cops believe that the reason behind lodging of FIR against ‘unknown’ persons was due to family pressure.
The minor, a student of Class 4 at a government school, and her sister, 16, used to stay at the house of their uncle, who is a president of the primary agricultural credit society.
The incident took place on May 6, when the girl was alone in her room, added the police. The Bihar Police have booked the accused under sections of the Indian Penal Code, which provides for imprisonment up to 10 years.
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