Liquor may not be available for people in Bihar but rats are said to have guzzled down 9 lakh litres of alcohol in the dry state. At a recent meeting of the state police, it was said that some of the seized bottles had been destroyed, and what was left was finished off in the stores by liquor-loving rats. Meanwhile, the state police have ordered a probe into the matter.
“We have asked the Patna zonal IG to inquire into the matter. Based on his findings, the state police headquarters will initiate further action,” Additional Director General of Police (Headquarters) S K Singhal told PTI on Thursday. The issue came-up after media reports said that the seized bottles of liquor were missing from police station ‘malkhanas’ (stores). In the last 13 months, a whopping 9.15 litre of alcohol, domestic as well Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL), have been seized in Bihar after the prohibition became effective in the state. The claim by Bihar Police created a lot of buzz on Twitter with many users taking jibe at this bizarre case.
Here are some of the hilarious tweets
What the fuck Bihar Police is doing.
Seize immediately those rats otherwise Bihari alcoholics will do this_— Nitish Kumar (@NitishKumarva) May 4, 2017
@coolfunnytshirt Evidence submitted by Bihar Police in court for Rats drank the alcohol
— Mudit Agarwal (@muditag85) May 5, 2017
Meanwhile Rats in Bihar._
Bihar Police _— GAUTAM___ (@Only_gautam) May 4, 2017
Bihar is India’s wonder state. Humans eat cattle fodder and rats drink alcohol there _
— Namrata (@_Namrataa) May 5, 2017
Biggest beneficiaries of Nitish’s prohibition policy have been Rats in Bihar Police Stations. Cheers to the Bihar Police Rats !
— digvijaya singh (@digvijaya_28) May 4, 2017
Kamina Gutter Rodent #MufflerRat @ArvindKejriwal has been stealing liquor from Bihar Police
Yahan Bhi SCAM
________— KaushikMukherjee__ (@kush07) May 5, 2017
@coolfunnytshirt Drunk Rat seen paying bribe to Bihar police after getting caught.
— Aunty Bharwi _ (@auntybharvi) May 5, 2017
#Bihar police says that rats drunk 9 lakh litres of alcohol seized by them.This is a bigger suspense than ‘Why kattappa killed Bahubali’
— Mera Desh (@yehmeradesh) May 4, 2017
If @laluprasadrjd can eat Chara, why mot Rat can drink liquor? This is OK when you have @NitishKumar sitting in Lalu lap for power.
— Office of Intolerant (@iamgunjankumar) May 5, 2017
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