Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar may be going little overboard in his bid to enforce prohibition law. As per the latest amendment in the state service rules, the state officials could not consume liquor not only in the state but also anywhere in the world.
Bihar cabinet has green-signalled an amendment to the state prohibition law that seeks to punish bureaucrats, judges or magistrates caught drinking anywhere in the world.
The penalty includes from dismissal to suspension to even salary cuts of the state officials.
With this bizzarre amendment, Bihar has become the first state to have such restrictions for officials and judges.
However, it remains to be seen how the state government plans to impose this prohibition plan. It would be difficult to keep a tab on state officials outside state. So, it is very likley government will act only when a complaint id]s filed against the erring official.
The amendment comes days after a citizen asked the Chief Minister why no bureaucrats or high-ranking police officials had been caught under the new prohibition law even though many of them are known to consume liquor.
Last Month, Nitish Kumar with the backing of rival BJP, joined thousands of people forming human chain to support liquor ban in the state.
The total prohibition in force in Bihar stops trade and consumption of alcohol across the state and has made provision of stringent penal action as well jail term ranging from 5-10 years for the violators.
Officials even claimed that images of the 11,000 km chain were taken by three satellites, aircraft, helicopters and drones.
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