In what was a major security lapse, a cricketer reportedly rammed his car right into Andheri station in Mumbai on February 20. The cricketer has been identified as Harneet Singh who is a state Ranji player. He reportedly drove his Hyundai Verna into station’s platform no 1 sparking security scare.
However, no one sustained injuries post the incident. The incident took place at about 7:10 in the morning when people across the city were rushing into the platform to catch their train. Even though it is still unclear under what circumstances did the under-19 cricketer drive into the station, some reports suggest that he was drunk when the incident took place. However, there is no confirmation of the same.
Another media report adds that the driver apparently lost his way and took a wrong turn creating panic among the commuters. The police have arrested Harneet for putting the lives of people at risk. The officials have also registered a case section 154 for “endangering safety of persons travelling by railway by rash or negligent act or omission” Under Section 154 in The Railways Act, “if any person in a rash and negligent manner does any act, or omits to do what he is legally bound to do, and the act or omission is likely to endanger the safety of any person travelling or being upon any railway, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.”
Some of the people present there told a leading daily people at the platform got extremely scared and even started looking for cover when they saw a speeding car getting into the station’s platform where people waited for their train to arrive.
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