Days after Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal faces a humiliating defeat in the Rajouri Garden bypoll, the Delhi unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have filed a police complaint against the Delhi CM after called the Election Commission panel as “Dhritarashtra.”
The complaint has also asserted that Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) mislead people by putting up hoardings. Delhi BJP chief Manoj Tiwari said that while a police complaint has been lodged by the party’s legal committee at the Parliament Street police station, the party has filed a separate complaint with Delhi’s Election Commission and have been asked to look into the matter seriously.
“In the complaint, objection has been raised to Kejriwal’s statement in which he had called the Election Commission as ‘Dhritrashtra’ and the BJP as ‘Duryodhan’,” Manoj Tiwari told the media.
He further affirmed that AAP was only misleading people by claiming that BJP had hiked the power and water tariffs. This complaint comes days after Kejriwal addressed a press conference and claimed that ‘Dhritrashtra’ EC wants ‘Duryodhan’ BJP to win MCD polls by hook or by crook.
Kejriwal slammed the Election commission and affirmed that the panel only wanted BJP to win and were also helping them in doing so. “The EC has become ‘Dhritarashtra’, who wants his son (Duryodhana) to win by hook or crook. The EC’s motive is not to conduct the elections but to ensure the BJP’s victory,” said Kejriwal.
Kejriwal had earlier alleged that the EVM machines could be tampered with and had even approached the EC requesting them to allow the MCD polls to be conducted using ballot papers. The EC, however, rejected the requested and affirmed that EVMs were absolutely secured and MCD polls will not be conducted using ballot papers.
EC had also said that Kejriwal’s allegations were “meaningless” and “baseless”.
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