A BJP MLA from Madhya Pradesh has been booked for assaulting a police constable at a police station in Dewas district. Champalal Dewda, who represents state’s Bagli assembly constituency, barged into Uday Nagar police station late on Thursday night, and beat up constable Santosh Ivnati for ‘stopping his nephew from interfering with police work’, Times of India reported.
Speaking to the daily, station in-charge Shiv Raghuvanshi said that Dewda’s nephew had reached the police station and forcefully entered a restricted area where two rape accused were held.
Dewda’s nephew apparently took the water bottle from the accused, following which Santosh questioned ‘his motives and actions’. This led to an argument between Santosh and the unnamed ‘nephew’, who later called his MLA uncle.
Acting on the call, Dewda rushed to the police station, hurled abuses at the constable for arguing with his nephew and subsequently slapped him.
The police offier stopped the MLA for some checking. After that, we got a report that MLA slapped one of our officers. Case has been registered & investigation is underway: Anshuman Singh, SP Dewas on reports of a police constable beaten up by BJP MLA in Dewas. #MadhyaPradesh pic.twitter.com/kuO84o70Pn
— ANI (@ANI) June 8, 2018
The entire incident was captured on the CCTV cameras installed in the police station. Later, the constable filed a complaint against Dewda and two of his associates for assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty, voluntarily causing hurt, throwing abuses and criminal intimidation.
However, the MLA has denied any wrongdoing and rather alleged that the CCTV footage has been doctored.
The MLA, according to a News18 report, said that his son and his nephew had gone to the police station after a thief tried to decamp with their scooter but the constable in question misbehaved with them
“When I entered the police station, I saw the officers beating up my son and nephew and I only intervened to save them. Someone has forged the CCTV footage,” claimed the MLA.
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