Just a day after registering a historic win in Uttar Pradesh, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) state president KP Maurya revoked the expulsion of BJP leader Dayashankar Singh who was expelled for using derogatory language against Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo Mayawati.
Dayashankar Singh, who was the former BJP Uttar Pradesh vice-president had also been arrested after Mayawati urged the BJP to take action against the leader for using abusive language against her. Singh triggered a massive controversy after he went on to compare Mayawati’s method of distribution of ticket within her party worse than a “conduct of a prostitute”.
Following which, BSP leaders urged the central government to take strict action against Singh. Furious with the comment, Mayawati said that Dayashankar’s remark did not only apply to her but his mother and sister as well adding that if BJP did not respond to this people would come on the streets to protest. Dayashankar’s family also retorted by filing a FIR against Mayawati for using objectionable language against them.
BJP did extend an apology to the BSP chief and also expelled Dayashankar Singh from the party for six years. Additionally, soon after BJP expelled Dayashankar, the party gave a ticket to his wife, Swati Singh who also won from her constituency in the UP elections.
Meanwhile, even though BJP has not announced its chief ministerial candidate for UP, it is being assumed that KP Maurya is likely to be the Chief minister of the state. However, there is no official confirmation for the same. By winning 324 seats, BJP is coming back to power in Uttar Pradesh after 15 long years.
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