Three days after Congress Vice-president Rahul Gandhi said that he was reading the Bhagwad Gita to take on the RSS and BJP, the saffron party’s Delhi Spokesperson Tajinder Pal Bagga sent an Italian translation of the Holy book to the Gandhi scion. Bagga posted the holy book to Rahul Gandhi’s address at Tughlak lane and made it public via Twitter. The latest gesture of Bagga is seen as an attack on the Italian origin of Rahul Gandhi’s mother and Congress vice-president Sonia Gandhi. Bagga hogged national spotlight after he assaulted the Supreme Court lawyer Prashant Bhushan in 2011.
Sending copy of Shri Bhagwat Geeta to Sh @OfficeOfRG in Italian language
— Tajinder Bagga (@TajinderBagga) June 7, 2017
He had recently suggested that Delhi’s Babar Road, named after India’s first Mughal emperor, be renamed after Ummer Fayaz, the Army lieutenant who was killed by terrorists in the Valley recently.
Bagga has played a key role in a social media campaign to support Narendra Modi’s candidature for prime minister called “Modi-fying India.
Addressing party functionaries in Chennai on Sunday, Rahul had said “Nowadays I study the Upanishads and the Gita since I am fighting the RSS and BJP,” he said addressing party functionaries here. “I ask them (RSS men), my friend, you are doing this, you are oppressing people, but it is written in the Upanishad that all people are the same and how come you are contradicting what your own religion says,” party sources quoted him as having told them. He alleged that BJP does not fundamentally “understand India,” and “understand only Nagpur,” headquarters of the RSS.
Here is how Twitter reacted:
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— Aawishkar Kumar (@ak_twitts) June 7, 2017
Why doesn’t he go and give ‘Learning Urdu Language guide’ to Paresh Rawal, who wants to act in Pak dramas n films n finds Indn soaps boring
— Mehek (@MehekF) June 7, 2017
Actually if @TajinderBagga read it instead in any language he knew, he wouldn’t be what he is.
— Mehek (@MehekF) June 7, 2017
_____ _____ __ __ ___ ______ __ ___ ____ ______ UP _______ ___ ___ ___ ______ ____ ___ __ __
— Abhishek Singh (@abhisingh162) June 7, 2017
Rahul says he’s reading Upanishads & Gita to take on RSS/BJP, so he’s admitting BJP/RSS works on ethics of gods!Nice appreciation isn’t it ?
— Yedu (@yedu_krishna) June 7, 2017
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