A 14-year-old teenage boy allegedly committed suicide by jumping off his terrace of a seven-storey building in Andheri area of Mumbai. His suicide is being linked to the deadly internet game ‘The Blue Whale Game’ that allegedly claimed lives of over 130 people in Russia.
The boy identified as Manpreet Singh had reportedly informed his friends that he was playing the Blue Whale game and would be attending school. However, the exact reason why he allegedly decided to take the drastic step has not been ascertained as yet. The police officials found no suicide note in his house. Manpreet’s parents also asserted that their child had shown no signs of depression.
An eyewitness reportedly spotted Manpreet walking on the edge while shooting a video eventually jumping off the building terrace. A case of Accidental death has been lodged by the police for now. Reports suggest that the friends of the boy have been talking about the incident by linking his death to the Blue Whale challenge game on WhatsApp groups.
If this does happen to be true, Manpreet will be the first Indian victim to fall into the trap of the online suicide game. The investigation is currently on.
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The Blue Whale Game, also popularly known as the ‘Blue Whale suicide challenge that provokes vulnerable teens to take their lives. The game consists a series of challenges that the player has to complete within a span of 50 days. The final challenge requires the player to end his life.
The game came to the light after numerous suicide cases were reported in Russia. The game has been touted as the reason for the over 130 deaths that were reported from Russia alone. Kenya went on to ban the Blue whale game following a teen’s death in the country.
Source: Mid-day
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