A 30-year old UK national managed to escape from Telangana police through the washroom at Nizamuddin railway station in New Delhi on Wednesday. Mohammed Ali, who was arrested in the year 2011 in the case of forgery under the Foreigners Act was brought to Delhi for an extradition case at Patiala House Court.
According to police, as soon as Ali entered toilet he opened the tap to mislead police and escape. When the officials got to know about it, they informed the Delhi police, which has started its search operation. Also, all district police stations too have been alerted about it. Apart from a case in India, Ali is also wanted in various cases of forgery in Britain.
There were five police officials of the Special Armed Reserve Central Police Line with Ali when the incident took place. A police source said that they reached the station a little early and head towards the waiting room on the platform.
It was around 8 pm when Ali asked police officers if he can use the washroom. As soon as he entered the toilet he opened the tap in full speed to misguide police officers. Police got suspicious when he did not come out even after a long time.
The officers then knocked the door to which no one replied, it was when a police officer peeped from the hole they got know that nobody is there in the washroom. There was a hole in the exhaust in the toilet and Ali used that to escape.
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