In a horrific incident, a student of Class 7 from school in Assam was allegedly bullied by two of the senior students. The student identified as Namish Ganeriwal belonging to Assam Valley School had to be admitted to the ICU after he sustained severe injuries.
The incident came to light after his aunt narrated the incident on Facebook, that the boy was so serious he also had to undergo a jaw surgery at Nemcare hospital. Doctors have allegedly said that Namish will not be able to speak or chew his food for a month adding that it may take an entire year to fix the jaw. “All his dentures are shaky at present and the surgeon has already removed a couple of teeth. The surgeon has further said that he will be unable to speak or chew food for the next one month and the entire treatment of his jaw (along with dentures) may take more than a year and a half. He is currently in the ICU,” the boy’s aunt said in a Facebook post.
The kid’s senior apparently bullied him at the boarding school by used him as “dummy” to perform WWE stunts. “The truth is that the two senior students had called my nephew to his room with the intention of ragging him and were using him as a dummy to show off their WWF stunts,” she said.
The school informed Namish’s parents after giving him the basic treatment and told the parents that their child had “slipped” and it was a “small injury”. His aunt claimed that when the parents asked the school authorities to take action against the culprit, the school allegedly said, “What do you want? For your child, we will rusticate the whole School”
She asserted that her nephew deserves justice and that the school was being “ignorant”. Her post has been shared more 1500 times and the video posted along with the written post has got over 52k views.
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