A conductor of the Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) was fined and issued a memo for letting a pigeon travel on his bus without a ticket. The decision was taken after the ‘accused’ failed to provide a satisfactory answer for not issuing a ticket to the bird.
According to reports, the TNSTC bus was stopped by the cops while it was travelling to Ellavadi, a remote village in Tamil Nadu. It was found that a pigeon was sitting on the window and a drunk man was having a conversation with it. The curious police officials questioned the conductor, whether the pigeon had been allotted a ticket or not. The poor conductor was reprimanded for his ‘callousness’ and was fined.
According to reports, a transport department official quoted the rules stating that conductors are required collect 1/4th of the total fare from passengers who are found carrying more than 30 pigeons at a time. “The rules don’t mention about passengers who are found carrying a pigeon,” he told a leading news website.
A senior transport department official said that he would wait until Monday, September 18, for the memo that was submitted by the inspectors. Following the strict action, all the conductors are now keeping a strict watch for any presence of a bird or animal on their buses.
Also read: Pakistan media trolls Indian reports of ‘spy pigeon’ Ghutarghoon Khan
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