A 34-year-old taxi driver has been accused of allegedly raping a female puppy in Delhi. The incident took place when the allegedly drunk driver, Naresh Kumar, raped and left the 7-month-old puppy named Jenney to die on 25 August in Narayana area of Delhi.
Police are likely to charge the cab driver under Section 377 (unnatural offences) of the Indian Penal Code in the FIR. The doctor at Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital said that in the autopsy of the puppy it was found that “excessive blood loss from her private part and the shock of the horror are the cause of her death”. Police are also suspecting that Naresh may have inserted some foreign object in the private part of the puppy which might have caused her injuries.
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While Naresh is absconding since yesterday, his wife has locked herself in her one-room apartment. She is likely to be called for a statement. Naresh had reportedly beaten up his wife and had broken her right arm on Wednesday and if she claims in her statement that he is a pervert, another case is likely to be filed against him.
The complainant in the case Abhishek Kumar has said that Naresh confessed that he had raped the puppy and left her bleeding in a jute bag with the help of his brother Suresh. Abhishek said that when he went to the Naraina Industrial Area along with other locals, they found the bag and in there was the puppy who was lying in a pool of blood. They rushed her to the hospital, but was declared brought dead.
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A resident of Naraina in southwest Delhi, Naresh has two daughters and works as a cab driver with a private company.
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