Delhi University admissions 2017: DU releases first cut-off list. Here’s how you can check your eligibility

The University of Delhi (DU) today released its first cut off list for SRCC, LSR Ramjas College, Hans Raj and others.

Delhi University admissions 2017: DU releases first cut-off list. Here’s how you can check your eligibility

The Delhi University (DU) today released its first cut off list for Sri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC), Lady Sri Ram (LSR) College for Women and Ramjas College. Interestingly, St Stephens had released its first cut-off earlier this week and keeping the last year’s trend in mind, this year too, the cut-off will soar.

According to an Indian Express report, the cut-offs for English (Hons) and Economics (Hons) at the college were the highest — at 98.5 per cent for Commerce students.

The university received around 2.2 lakh applications this year for about 56,000 seats in its 63 colleges.Candidates planning to join any of DU’s colleges can check the cut-offs at university website,

Also read: Learn foreign language in Delhi University. All you need to know about courses you’ve been wanting to do

Here’s the cut-off list of different colleges:

Lady Shri Ram College for Women:

Hans Raj College:

Maharaja Agrasen:

Ramjas College 1st cutoff:

Sri Ram College of Commerce 1st cutoff:

Also read: Delhi University’s Ramjas College fees set to increase. Here’s all you need to know

Last year, the Ramjas College had set the standards at 99.25 per cent for admission into B Com (honours), followed closely by SGTB Khalsa, with a cut-off of 99 per cent for admission into BSc (Honours ) in Electronics. While Ramjas College had a percentage requirement of 97.75 for BCom (Honours) last year, SGTB Khalsa college had pegged their cut-off at 96.33 per cent for BSc in Electronics.

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