IIT Kharagpur touted to be one of the most prestigious colleges in the country is making a set of changes to help the students beat the blues. The college is devising a strategy to help students deal with the daily stress in the wake of a number of suicide cases in the college during this year.
According to a report in Hindustan Times, the college has come up with a unique method for the students to come out of their rooms and mingle with the students and officials. The college reportedly cuts off power in its hostel for an hour every now and then in a bid to urge students to come out of their rooms and speak to others. The officials told the daily that the students are seldom meeting each other and being alone only adds to the stress.
“Students are meeting increasingly less. This naturally creates a lot of problems as they end up being alone. This small step will help them connect when they take a 10-minute coffee or tea break,” the daily quoted a faculty member of IIT Kharagpur as saying.
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The report further stated that even though the students were forced to do it in the beginning, the move was now helping them where they were willing coming out for tea and coffee breaks.
The latest suicide was reported in the month of April where a fourth-year student of IIT Kharagpur allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself in his hostel room. High stress and depression are said to be the most common reasons behind the recent suicides occurred on the college campus.
A report in PTI had stated that IIT Kharagpur had also urged the students to spend quality time under a tree canopy and speak to counsellors that help students deal with psychological disorders.
Read More: IIT Kharagpur’s medical college to debut in 2020!
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