A principal of a school in Allahabad was caught on camera ruthlessly beating up his students with a cane because the students allegedly complained about the heat. The video that has now gone viral shows the principal mercilessly thrashing the students till the cane breaks and one of the students fall down all because the students allegedly said that it was hot in the classroom.
In the video, you can see the students lining up outside the classroom while the Principal in the red shirt continues to beat the students on the hands and fingers. He reportedly did not stop even after the cane broke and started beating the students with a thicker cane. Some of the reports also suggest that the head master started beating the students because they could not answer the questions he put forth. Some of the students had allegedly complained of similar instances where the teachers have thrashed the students for trivial reasons.
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The students are reportedly left traumatised post the incident and are refusing to go to the school. Mother of one of the students have lodged a complained against the principal and have demanded a strict action against the head master. However, if reports are to be believed she had to take back the complaint due to reasons that have not been ascertained as yet.
The incident came to the light after a Physical Education teacher, Ashish Mani Tiwari posted the video after being terrified about the brutality carried out by the head master in the school. The teacher has reportedly been fired from his job.
Watch the video here:
Meanwhile, the principal has denied all the accusations and have said that he has never raised a hand on his students and only want the students to be disciplined. “I am a teacher and I am never harsh on my students. I just want my students to stay disciplined,” the principal said.
Source: India Today, Storypick
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