A video has surfaced on the social media in which a Congress leader can be seen touching a woman, who was sitting next to him on a stage, allegedly in an inappropriate manner. The video which has gone viral has caused a major embarrassment to the party.
The incident took place in Madikeri town in Karnataka when India was celebrating its 70th Independence Day. Former president of Madikeri Congress unit and current Chairman of the Silk Board TP Ramesh can be seen trying to hold the hands of MLC Veena Achaiah in front of many people.
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When MLC Veena Achaiah pushed his hands away, Ramesh can be seen smiling in the video. When the video started doing the rounds on social media, TP Ramesh called the allegations as baseless. The minister who is considered to be close to Karnataka Chief Minister Siddharamaiya said that Veena is like her sister and he was not touching her inappropriately.
“We are from the same region and I consider Veena as my sister. The video is being shared to defame me,” said Ramesh. As the video has gone viral, Congress assured that the strict action would be taken against the minister if he is found guilty.
Meanwhile, a few days ago Congress MLA was booked on the charge of rape, after a woman, who also attempted suicide, claimed that she was being harassed by him. The Congress MLA has been identified as M Vincent, who represents the Kovalam segment.
(Source: Times of India)
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