In a shocking incident, a school student in Noida is said to have suffered from hearing impairment after he was slapped by a fellow student. The entire incident was captured via mobile camera for a Snapchat story and was widely circulated. After the video went viral, the school administration suspended three students. However, the school administration had contended that the incident was actually a ‘slap bet’ and did not amount to bullying.
The victim’s aunt took to Facebook and posted the video of the incident from Pathways School, situated in Sector 100 of Noida. The video shows a student surrounded by a group of boys inside a washroom. While one of the boys slapped the victim, the others seem to be enjoying the moment and captured the incident on their mobile phones. She claimed that her nephew had lost 25 per cent of his hearing on being slapped hard by the boy. The video was soon being circulated on WhatsApp among the friends. However, when the victim’s parents saw the video, they immediately complained to the school administration about the incident. They alleged that the school authorities neither informed them nor provided their son with first aid.
Initially, the school administration had termed the incident as a ‘slap bet’ and claimed that it did not amount to bullying. The school suspended the boy who slapped Rajveer whereas two other students who filmed the incident were suspended for two weeks.
Also read: Class 5 student from Delhi dies after allegedly being beaten up by classmates
You can watch the video here:
The school’s director Shalini Advani issued a statement saying that swift action had been taken against the guilty. Later, the management wrote a letter to all the parents informing about the incident and actions taken over the matter.
Also read: Boy from Assam Valley school in ICU after alleged bullying by seniors, school says he ‘slipped’
Source: TOI
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