In a recent incident of hate crime in the UK, a shopper on seeing a Muslim couple at a supermarket shouted at a woman clad in a burqa that she ‘looked like a bloody pillar box’. The incident which took place at a store in Feltham, west London was recorded on the camera.
Her verbal attack did not stop here, she even shouted at the husband of Muslim woman. She said it is ‘disgusting’ that he ‘made’ his wife wear the full-body covering attire. The woman said ‘you should not allow your wife to go around like that’.
After listening to her vicious tirade, the man calmly replied to the woman that it was ‘her choice’. He told the woman ‘you need to educate yourself’, later adding ‘you’re a comedian. He, however, did not lose the calm but the woman continued shouting that him.
The shouting stopped after a store worker intervened and told both of them to calm down. It is yet to know if the Metropolitan police had received any reports of hate crime at the Aldi store. The incident has come at a time when the police figures revealed that there is a rise of 500 per cent in Islamophobic crime after the bomb attack in the city
Also Read: Muslim woman attacked, Hijab pulled off in suspected case of hate crime in London
A few days back, hijab of Muslim woman was pulled off allegedly by a man in a vicious assault in London. The incident took place on July 16 when the victim Aniso Abdulkadir was waiting for a tube at Baker Street.
Also Read: Twitteratti welcomes Apple’s woman with a hijab emoji. These reactions will amaze you
The woman reportedly said, “This man at Baker Street station forcefully attempted to pull my hijab off and when I instinctively grabbed a hold of my scarf he hit me”.
(Source: Mail Online)
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