A 3-year-old boy got seriously injured after he fell off from an escalator in a mall in Hyderabad. The incident took place at Kacheguda on August 22. The toddler has been identified as Abhiram, who suffered serious injuries and was taken to the private hospital where he is being treated.
The boy had come to the mall along with parents Sudhakar and Srujana and elder brother. Reportedly, the parents got busy with the shopping and Abhiram who was at a children’s play zone in Big Bazaar when he drove his toy car towards the escalator and fell off and suffered injuries on his face.
After which the parents went to the police station to file a complaint against the mall authorities. However, police, after visiting the mall and cross checking the CCTV footage, said that it was a clear case of negligence on the part of parents and did not register a case. The mall staff also blamed the parents for the mishap.
The boy was taken to the Lotus Children’s Hospital where he was declared to be out of danger but a surgery was suggested. “I was unaware that my son, who was just a few feet away from us got onto the ramp.It was only later we realized that he was missing and saw that someone had met with a mishap on the lower floor. When I went closer to the victim, I found it was my son, bleeding”, said Sudhakar.
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E Durga Prasad, who works as the security operations manager at the store, said “The parents took a toy scooter from the children’s section and told the child to sit on it. After taking a few snaps, they walked away into the electronics goods section as the boy refused to accompany them. When our salesman asked the boy to get down, he tried to move away and in the process slid down the escalator”.
(Source: Times of India, Deccan Chronicle)
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