Two days after a 23-year-old software engineer was shot dead in a parking lot at Sector 62 in Noida, the CCTV footage of the incident has gone viral. The video installed near the elevators shows the woman running and man can be seen following her. The man is carrying a gun with him and is firing shots at the girl multiple times from a close range. As per the CCTV, the incident took place at 6:34 am.
The deceased who has been identified as Anjali Rathour was working as a trainee software engineer with Lava International Limited and lived at the Shatabdi Rail Vihar Complex in Sector 62. She belonged to Jagadhri, near Yamuna Nagar in Haryana, her parents have alleged that she has been killed by a person known to her. she knew had killed her.
She was spotted by some of the neighbours, her roommate Jyoti who was on her way to coaching saw her body lying. She was rushed to the hospital but was declared dead on arrival. As per the police, Anjali came downstairs after getting a call. The man in the video has put his name as Shanno on the register at the entry gate of the society. He also wrote a mobile number in the register which was last used near Hindon river. The man who shot the techie is yet to be identified but girl’s family alleges that the killer studied with the girl at the University.
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However, superintendent of police (city) Arun Singh said that the police is trying to probe the incident from all angles. He added, “Anjali was heard quarrelling over the phone for the last one week. She came down from her apartment that morning after receiving a call from Ashwani. But we are not (completely) certain if the assailant was him or somebody else.”
(Source: Hindustan Times)
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