Amidst the uproar over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s move to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes, the central government has now reportedly decided to form a sub committee of Chief Ministers to address and deal with problems arising because of demonetisation.
Earlier, the government had set up a committee comprising Additional Secretaries, Joint Secretaries and Directors to review the status of implementation and execution of demonetisation.
Meanwhile, the opposition parties including the Congress, Aam Aadmi Party and the Trinamool Congress continued to stage protests across the nation opposing the demonetisation drive. The Congress, which has maintained that it is not against the move but is agitated over how it has been executed. Terming it as “Jan Aakrosh Diwas”, the Congress has cleared its stance stating they have not called for a “Bharat Bandh” but will hold rallies across the country. Several party leaders including DMK leader MK Stalin have been detained following clashes with the police.
The central government on the other hand slammed the opposition parties for holding protest and causing inconvenience to public at large.
Home Minister Rajnath Singh also affirmed that the Prime Minister will address the parliament and have a debate on demonetisation if the opposition desires.
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