Amid reports of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister’s Anti-Romeo squads harassing couples inviting criticism from several quarters, a student has filed a PIL demanding change of rules of the anti-Romeo squad so that the police officials do not harass consenting boys and girls.
The students in the PIL have also demanded that “Anti-Romeo” squad should be changed. According to reports, the student in the PIL have asserted that words like “Romeo” who is the principle character in the William Shakespeare, “Romeo and Juliet” should not be used in such squads and that “appropriate” names should be used.
“The entire operation appears to be running on the police’s personal discretion, with little accountability. How can the police catch hold of men, whether they are guilty or not, and force them to do sit-ups on the road while holding their ears? No one has the right to degrade or diminish anyone’s dignity and respect whether in a private place or in a public place,” Schoopwhoop quoted excerpts from PIL as saying.
The PIL has been filed by a 22-year-old Rituraj Mishra who is law student from Lucknow. Following several complaints, the DGP had also released a letter saying that the couples sitting in the public places should not be asked for ID cards and humiliated. The directive also stated that there not be any punishments that include “Uthak–baithak” and sit in the ‘murga‘ position.
Recently two cousins were hauled up by the police and they were allowed to leave only after their parents were forced to give bribe. In another case in Agra, a policeman was caught on camera harassing a woman.
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