The man allegedly responsible for filling an SBI atm in Delhi’s Sangam Vihar area with fake Rs 2000 notes was arrested on February 23.Mohammad Isha, the cash custodian at the time when the Rs 2000 currency notes with ‘ Children Bank of India’ written on them was being placed in the ATM.
According to Delhi Police, the accused , a 27 year old man was arrested on Thursday, he is a resident of Sangam Vihar
“Mr Isha was the custodian of the cash at the time it was being placed in the ATM. He is an employee of Brinks India Pvt Ltd which is responsible for the task of placing cash in ATMs,” Romil Baaniya, DCP (Southeast) told PTI. The fake notes that come across as original at first glance seemed to be a prank played at people’s expense.
The notes dispensed on February 6, have serial numbers 000000, Churan lable instead of strip with leaf markings, PK logo instead of RBI seal, rupee sign is missing, and read ‘Children’s Bank of India’ in place of Reserve Bank of India and ‘Guaranteed by the Children’s Government’ in place of Guaranteed by the Central Government.
It also states ‘ I promise to pay the barer two thousand coupens (sic)’ instead of I promise to pay the bearer the sum of two thousand rupees. Governor’s signature is also missing in the note. The matter came to the notice of authorities after a customer care executive Rohit visited the SBI ATM at around 7.45pm on February 6 to withdraw Rs 8,000. Four notes of Rs 2000 were dispensed. ” But all the four notes I withdrew were fake,” he alleged.
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