The bank account of a small time chocolate vendor in Andhra Pradesh has come under the scanner as it has got the deposit of Rs 18 crore in it. The Income Tax department summoned the vendor on May 25 and asked him to explain how this huge amount of money come into his account as his daily earnings are really less.
30-year-old C Kishore Lal, a chocolate vendor in Vijayawada, goes door to door selling chocolate. As per the reports, he received the amount of Rs 18 crore from Mumbai on November 8 (same day when demonetisation announcement was made). For next 10-12 days, the money was sent out to some other accounts also which were outside Vijayawada.
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It was only recently when he opened an account with an Ahmedabad-based bank in Vijayawada. Since then lot of suspicious transaction came to light, however, Kishore told the IT officials that he has no information as from where this huge amount of money came to his account. He also claimed that the bank manager took his signatures on many cheques when he went to the bank to apply for the loan. I-T has asked for the CCTV footage which the bank will provide in 10 days.
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An I-T official investigating the matter said, “The transactions were made in collusion with the bank officials and we are examining the role played by the bank manager, who has now been transferred elsewhere. We are also tracking the accounts to which the money has gone”.
(Source: Times of India, Deccan Chronicle)
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