Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath voiced support against ‘triple talaq’ and lashed out on those who are silent on the issue. CM Adityanath compared those silent on the issue to the disrobing of Draupadi in the Mahabharat.
While addressing media at an event in Lucknow, CM Adityanath said, “Some people who are silent on the issue of triple talaq are equally guilty.”Adityanath in his speech compared the practice of triple talaq with disrobing of Draupadi.
He said, “some people are maintaining silence on this burning issue of triple talaq. This reminds me of the scene in Mahabharata in which Draupadi is being disrobed in an assembly and she asks a question to the gathering as to who is responsible for this?”
Some people who are silent on the issue of #TripleTalaq are equally guilty: UP CM Yogi Adityanath in Lucknow. pic.twitter.com/Vy01soHzbW
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) April 17, 2017
CM Adityanath made these remarks at an event to mark the 91st birth anniversary of former prime minister Chandrashekhar.
The UP Chief Minister further asserted that “even Chandrashekhar was in favour of a common civil code.”
Chandra Shekhar ji ne kaha tha ke agar hamare faujdaari ke maamle aur shaadi vivah samaan hai to Uniform Civil Code kyun nahi?: UP CM pic.twitter.com/3dlA5c5P0N
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) April 17, 2017
According to the All India Muslim Board (AIMPLB), the practice of triple talaq is “wrong” but is a valid way to end a marriage. However, it further stated that those who “misuse” the practice will face the social boycott from the community.
The Supreme Court is currently hearing a case on the constitutional validity of triple talaq. The Muslims practice divorcing their wife by saying the word ‘talaq’ three times.
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