Started by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the Hindu Yuva Vahini has stopped taking any new memberships. The move has come after the Hindu Yuva Vahini members dragged the couple from a house alleging ‘love jihad’ in Meerut on April 12. The outfit has also instructed its existing members not to resort to self-vigilantism, but instead inform the police and local administration.
The Hindu Yuva Vahini was started by CM Adityanath 15 years ago.
There were several complained against Hindu Yuva Vahini. Earlier the outfit was alleged interrupting a prayer meeting at a church in Maharajganj where US nationals were present, and being involved in a hit-and-run case in Noida.
The newly-appointed Yuva Vahini UP chief, Rakesh Rai said, “CM Adityanath has taken serious note of these incidents.”
He also condemned the Meerut case and further asserted that those involved in the Meerut as well as Noida incidents were not existing Yuva Vahini members.
According to the reports published in the Economic times, Rai said, “Nevertheless, our existing members must exercise discipline as the government is with us. They must inform the police and administration of issues coming to their knowledge rather than take direct action. UP-100 police vehicles all over UP are just a phone call away. We will throw out members who take law in their own hands. They should also not influence any transfer-postings.”
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