Thursday morning came with a huge shock for the Congress party after their official Twitter account was hacked just a day after Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi’s official Twitter handle was hacked on Tuesday.
According to sources, it was not only the official twitter handles that were hacked but the entire email server of, as well as its website, had been hacked
While the IT cell is currently making efforts to find out how the entire thing rolled out, fresh details have emerged in the Congress email controversy. Sources reveal that ten suspicious log-ins have been detected. One of which was a log-in from a foreign locale, which happened last week. “We still need time to find out exactly who it is,” a source told InUth.
Congress’ official domain has been hacked. And the hacker used the information in the emails to access official Twitter handles. The domain is maintained in Bangalore by senior Congress leader Veerappa Moily’s son-in-law Anand Adkoli.
One still doesn’t know who is the person behind the hack though Congress insiders in Delhi believe chances of it being a disgruntled employee is much more than a BJP supporter.
The hackers went on to use extreme abusive tweets against Rahul Gandhi and the Congress party on the official Twitter account of the Indian National Congress. The hackers, however, made it clear in a series of tweets that they do not have any political affiliation or a political agenda.
It took close to an hour for the IT cell to reclaim control of the official handle. Following which, the account was restored and the expletive-laden tweets were taken down. The hackers also informed the public that they managed to hack into the party’s emails and thereafter went on to threaten Congress to “expose” them by making the emails public
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