Eminent Malayalam author KP Ramanunni on Friday lodged a police complaint in Kozhikode after he received an anonymous letter threatening him with dire consequences if he fails to convert to Islam within six months. The letter warned the the award-winning writer that his right arm and left leg would be chopped off if he did not convert to Islam within six months. The letter alleged that some of the articles written by him amounted to “misleading” the Muslim youth.
It also cited the example of professor TJ Joseph, whose right arm was chopped off by the members of a radical Muslim outfit for allegedly hurting their religious sentiments through a question paper he had set.
“Like TJ Joseph, your right arm will be cut off…your left leg too. You are given six months to convert to Islam. If you do not embrace Islam, we will inflict Allah’s punishment on you,” the letter said.
Speaking with News agency PTI, Ramanunni said “I am not aware of the motive behind the letter. I filed a complaint with the Kozhikode city police commissioner today, urging him to look into the matter,” he told PTI.
He also said though he had ignored the letter initially, other senior writers advised him to file the police complaint.
“There are people with extremist ideologies using both Hinduism and Islam as a front. The person who wrote this letter appears to be from the second group. The letter says that my article which equates Islam with Hinduism could mislead innocent Muslims,” the writer said.
The writer was targetted for the article — entitled To dear Hindus and Muslims, from a believer — in which he sought religious harmony between the two communities.
The 62-year-old Ramanunni is recipient of the Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award for his first novel, Sufi Paranja Kadha.
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