In a shocking incident, an eighty-year-old woman was allegedly thrashed by a group of four-five policemen after they blamed her for instigating the ongoing protest in the state and hiding stone-pelters inside her house. Kamlabai Mewade, whose bones got broken in the brazen attack, alleged that police personnel dragged her out of her house and brutally assaulted her.
Meanwhile, the images of the attack has gone viral on social media. Speaking to Times of India, Mewade said the cops barged into her home and started shouting ” Buddhi pathrav karva rahi hai, aag lagwa rahi hai (old woman, you are provoking stone pelting and torching of vehicles).”
“I was sitting in my house along with my husband, sons and grandsons when police barged in. They accused me of hiding stone pelters inside my house. I denied, and said they were free to look around but they started beating me and my husband with sticks,” said the woman who is undergoing tratment for her broken arm.
She also alleged that the cops first fired four to five tear gas shells into her house. The 80-year-old said she wanted to ask the (policemen) why they hit her. “They were younger than my grandsons,” she told the daily.
Madhya Pradesh is witnessing farmers’ agitation which started on June 1 and saw the death of five persons in police firing. The TOI report also said that the women also met Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan at Dussehar Maidan who was on his second day of fast against the violence.
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