A curfew was imposed on Thursday night in Lakhimpur Kheri in Uttar Pradesh after communal clashes broke out over the circulation of an ‘objectionable’ video. The objectionable video is believed to be about deities of another religion made by two men. While there are tensions in the city, no incident of violence has been reported so far.
The two accused were arrested, produced before a court and sent to judicial custody. “Two young men who shot and circulated the video making objectionable statements about deities of another community have been arrested and sent to jail,” District Magistrate of Lakhimpur-Kheri district Akash Deep said. Even fathers of the accused have been detained at the district police station.
Hundreds of people had been rallying around the district police station demanding the accused boys to be handed over to them. A police official said that the boys were arrested and the Magistrate arrived at the police station to take them under judicial custody before the situation could turn ugly… people were pacified somehow, however, the tension still prevails,” a police official told IANS.
The district police, however, believes that there might be more than two people involved in the shooting of the video. The investigation into the case is currently underway. “The District administration is on high alert and police patrolling has been increased to avoid any untoward incident,” the District Magistrate said.
The video is said to be shot on Wednesday. The district administration also said that the case is the first ever incident of communal tension in Lakhimpur Khiri.
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