A woman in Kerala who was presumed to be dead by the relatives was found alive before they were to move the ‘body’ to a mobile mortuary in Idukki district of Kerala. However, later in the evening on Wednesday, she died. 52-year-old Rathnam was suffering from Jaundice and liver related illness and was undergoing treatment at the Velammal medical college hospital located in Madurai.
Rathnam was put on a ventilator support at the hospital. In past two months, her internal organs failed and her condition continued to deteriorate. Doctors at the hospital told her family members that it was needless to keep Rathnam in the hospital as she was not showing any sign of improvement and they asked them to take her home.
Relatives of the Rathnam then took her in an ambulance to Vandanmed, a village in Idukki district. In the ambulance, as she showed no movement, the family members thought that she is dead and then decided to take her to a mortuary.
Almost an hour after she was kept in the mortuary, the family noticed that she was breathing and also showing some movement after which she was taken to a private hospital in Kattappana village. The relatives then informed the police about the incident.
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As per the police, the family members did not consult with the doctors at the hospital before taking her to a mortuary. The woman was later shifted to the hospital. However, she died late in the evening.
(Source: Deccan Chronicle, The Indian Express)
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