Kolkata Police has launched a new initiative named “Dear Boys” to educate teenage school boys in showing respect to women. Amid growing incidents of harassment of women on account of their sartorial choices and public demeanour, the police has decided to reach out to teenage boys from class IX ti XII in 20 schools and to inculcate the values of respecting women in their mind.
“Dear Boys” is based on this concept. The project is directed at teenage boys, especially because it is pertinent to explain this very basic, simple logic (that people somehow don’t seem to realise and therefore do not train their children accordingly) at a very young age. To tell them, look, guys, women too are humans with every right to stay out for as long as they want to, wear what they wish to, and YOU, the boys who we want would grow up into sensitive and responsible men, will not be judgmental about it.” said a Facebook post shared by Kolkata Police.
The initiative has found support on social media with many users welcoming the move and giving valuable suggestions.
While a few social media users were skeptical about the tone of the article.
“Rather than asking women to wear clothes as per others’ choices, return home early to protect themselves from harm, it is better to ask men to change their outlook of women. The “Dear Boys” initiative is based on this concept,” a senior officer of Kolkata Police explained.
“We will visit 10 schools before the Durga Puja. Another 10 schools will be picked up after the Puja vacations,” the officer said.
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