Deepika Padukone and her upcoming movie with Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor, Padmavati, have become a topic of every debate. The latest one to join the bandwagon is BJP’s Rajya Sabha MP Subramanian Swamy. In a recent interview, Deepika Padukone spoke about how appalled she was to see the entire controversy around the movie just before its release. Speaking about those who wanted a stay on the release of the film, she said:
It’s appalling, it’s absolutely appalling. What have we gotten ourselves into? And where have we reached as a nation? We have regressed.
This was enough to draw BJP leader Subramanian Swamy’s attention, who decided to take a dig at the actress’ comment and wrote:
Cine actress Deepika Padukone giving us lecture on regression!! Nation can progress only when it is regression from her perspective.
— Subramanian Swamy (@Swamy39) November 14, 2017
Translation: Deepika herself is so regressive, whatever she considers regressive ought to be called progressive. Logic level – high school.
Somehow the issue got derailed into becoming one about Deepika’s ‘Dutch citizenship’ (she was born in Denmark) and how it ‘disqualifies’ her from commenting on all things Indian. Swamy not only retweeted this comment on his tweet, but also proceeded to say that if true, she must ‘disclose why’:
She’s a Dutch citizen
— Subir HC (@psychiatrycal) November 14, 2017
: If true she must disclose why. This is purely an Indian only debate.
— Subramanian Swamy (@Swamy39) November 14, 2017
Twitter told him off for being nosy and Swamy, obviously, lost his cool:
Now why is Swamy ji getting into this thankless debate.. let the Censor Board decide.
— Rakesh Narula (@RakeshNarula2) November 15, 2017
Then why protest against the Emergency? Let parliament decide. And it did in 1975! Born mental slave?
— Subramanian Swamy (@Swamy39) November 15, 2017
I protest the Emergency sir.. and got beaten too, are you comparing a movie with that significant event? I am your fan and am really surprised that this would draw your attention..
— Rakesh Narula (@RakeshNarula2) November 15, 2017
It is totally amazing to see how without even watching the movie, many people have already started taking stands against it. A few sections of the society have cited problems with the movie in the name of distorting ‘history’ and ‘facts’. The moral and culture police had their two cents to offer on Twitter:
As a woman, I shouldn’t allow a film that degrades the Queen #Padmavati honor even an atom size. If it has shown anything contrary to history, it should not only be banned, but cases should be filed against the cast & producer-director.
— Harsha Agrawal (@HarshaAgrawal15) November 14, 2017
It’s weird to watch a bikini girl as Rani Padmini. Ewwww!!! #Padmavati
— Sharmistha (@_shomy) November 14, 2017
Most of them can do anything for money. I don’t think many of them read the facts and research on historical characters before acting as them. They see the amount. And people are following the dialogues they delivered.
— Joker (@OfficeOfLOL) November 14, 2017
It is not the first time a movie has been attacked for distorting historical facts or hurting sentiments but the amount of unnecessary criticism and protest that the movie is facing before its release is absolutely mind-numbing.
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